Order tracking

Method of delivery abroad:
Products are also shipped abroad. Shipping charges include post and packaging costs, Deliveries are made via Post, and delivery is Priority or Economy post or a package, depending on the size and weight of the order. I strive to deliver the products to you the most economical and practical delivery method. Broadcast charged for shipping and handling.

Most of the products arrive your home low price because the weights and sizes of the products are small. When you place you order at the online shop, you can see the shipping costs and you can choose them from them the option that suits you best.

Orders abroad:
Orders to be sent abroad will be charged actual shipping costs and delivery time is an average of just over a week or two the normal product-specific domestic delivery time longer. VAT is included in product prices. Abroad orders must be paid in advance or credit card through PayPal or you can use BlueCommerce is a secure and easy-to-use payment solution. Exchange an return policy also applies to international orders, but if the product is flawless, the customer will have to pay the return cost.

By tracking your order, you can track the progress of your mail when ordering Rilkes products. (Note. This is not available for Rilkes shop products).

Follow the progress of your package or post. Here you can done it!

To track your order please enter your Order ID in the box below and press the "Track" button. This was given to you on your receipt and in the confirmation email you should have received.
